M 45 (The Pleiades)
Messier 45, the Pleiades is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is one of the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the most obvious to the naked eye cluster.The cluster is dominated by extremely luminous hot blue stars that have formed within the last 100 million years. Dust that forms a faint reflection nebulosity around the brightest stars is unrelated dust cloud in the interstellar medium that the stars are currently passing through. Here are all my version of M 45.
Object Details: |
Objects: | Messier 45 ( Melotte 22, Collinder 42) |
Constellation: | Taurus |
Center of field: | R.A. 03h, 47m.; DE. +24°, 07' |
Field dimensions: | Appr. 240 x 170 ' |
Technical Details: |
Optics: | 300 mm Canon lenses at F/2.8 |
Mount: | ASA DDM 85 |
Camera: | SBIG STL-11000M |
Filters: | Astronomik LRGB filter set |
Dates/Times: | 23, 24 August 2011 |
Location: | Rozhen |
Exposure Details: | L = 80 min, R = 60 min., G = 60 min., B = 60 min. |
Subexposures: | 10 minutes |
Acquisition: | CCD Soft |
Processing: | PixInsight, Photoshop CS |